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Learn how to edit your profile and goals from your Wellness interface on your watch and TAG Heuer Connected app.
Complete your Wellness profile > Track your activity > Update profile and goals > Set up your preferences
Find out how to edit your profile, adjust your goals or restore default profile settings from Wellness app on your watch and from TAG Heuer Connected app on your smartphone.
About updating your Wellness & Sports profile Wellness & Sports profile is used by Wellness and Sports apps on your watch as well as TAG Heuer Connected mobile app.
This tutorial shows you how to edit your information from Wellness interface on your watch and phone; this can also be done from your watch Sports app (see Sports section in Wellness & Sports menu). Every change you make in one app is updated to the others.
Are you ready?
To change your height, weight, gender and age on your watch, open Wellness app by pressing the bottom pusher.
Swipe down or turn the crown down to scroll through your Wellness data, and tap 'Update my profile' at the bottom of the list.
Touch a parameter to edit it. The gestures for updating values are the same as for creating your profile. They are repeated below.
If needed, start by pressing the bottom button to change the unit of measurement. Swipe vertically or turn the crown to display your height and press top button or red mark to confirm.
If necessary, press the bottom button to switch between kilograms and pounds. Swipe vertically or rotate the crown to display your weight, then press the top button to select a decimal. Press top button again or red mark to save value.
Swipe vertically or turn the crown to scroll through choices and press the top pusher or checkmark to validate your choice.
Scroll through the numbers to show your age and press top button or red mark to save selection.
Wellness and sports data can also be managed from your companion app settings. Open TAG Heuer Connected app and tap the settings icon in the lower right corner. In the menu, touch ‘Personal information’ to modify gender, height and weight factors.
To change Gender, touch the corresponding field in the settings and tap 'Male', 'Female' or 'Other' when the prompt opens. The selected gender automatically updates in the Wellness and Sports apps on your watch.
Birth date' is a TAG Heuer Connected specific field; when you change your date of birth in your mobile app settings, make sure to also update it in Wellness & Sports on your watch.
To change your height or weight in TAG Heuer Connected app, tap 'Complete' or 'Incomplete'. First term indicates that your profile currently includes personalized values and second that a default profile is applied.
Tap the ‘Your weight’ field to select a new value. In the prompt, swipe vertically in the left then right column to display the numbers you want and press 'Done'.
To change the weight, touch the corresponding field and swipe vertically in the column to choose a value. Press 'Done' to validate. Press 'Save' when the changes are complete.
Your Wellness data can be deleted at any time. When you suppress your profile, default settings are applied. They allow Wellness app to continue to provide you with statistics to estimate your activity. Default profile is that of a 40-year-old man, 175 cm (5 ft 9 in) tall and weighing 80.5 kg (177.5 lb). To reset gender, height, weight, and age, scroll to the bottom of Wellness app and tap 'Update my profile'.
Swipe up to the end of your Wellness data and tap 'Delete your profile'. Press 'Confirm' when the warning message appears. You have restored default settings.
It is also possible to reset your profile using TAG Heuer Connected app. To do this, open your app settings by tapping the icon at the bottom right of the screen. Go to 'Personal data' and swipe up to reveal Height & Weight. Touch 'Completed' to enter the menu.
Within Height & Weight interface, tap ‘Delete information’ in red letters and confirm by touching ‘Delete’. This removes all Wellness profile data (not just Height and Weight) and restores default values i.e. those of a 40 year old male, 175cm / 5ft 9in tall and weighing 80.5kg / 177.5lbs.
To change your step or calorie goals on your TAG Heuer Connected watch, press the bottom pusher to open Wellness app. Swipe up to the last view and tap 'Change my goals'.
To adjust your step goal, press 'Steps' then rotate the crown to choose a value. Press the number or push the top button to confirm.
To update your calories, press 'Calories' and turn the crown to select a number. Tap on the value or press the top button to validate.
Your step and calorie goals can also be updated from your companion app. To do this, open TAG Heuer Connected and tap Wellness circular logo in the menu bar at the bottom of the app. In Wellness view, tap on 'Goals' written in red in the upper right corner of your interface.
To change your step goal, tap the value in the 'Steps' field and select a number from the drop-down menu that appears. Tap 'OK' to finish.
To select a new number of calories, tap the value in the 'Calories' field and choose another from the drop-down menu. Press ‘OK’ to go back to Goals and ‘Save’ to keep changes.
Your step and calorie goals appear as white and orange dotted lines in Wellness Steps & Calories week view. When you change your goals, you can see a drop in the dotted lines.